好吧!既然是第一天,今天正好有個 case report,L 在血庫的血型檢驗
forward: anti-A(-), anti-B(-), anti-D(4+)
reverse: A1Cell(-), BCell(-)
Saliva test(也許可以不用做了): A Ag(-), B Ag(-), H Ag(+)
total protein(4.8), albumin(3.1), globulin(1.7)
age:6yrs, BW:16kg
Ans: O/+, with hypoglobulinemia
And... 老闆說:把他一家三代(誇飾)都抓來檢驗檢驗...
further examination:
check IgG(89.6 mg/dl), IgM(25.4 mg/dl),Referece adult(IgG(680-1500), IgM(40-170))
patient's mother IgG(1330 mg/dl), Igm(74.3 mg/dl)
疑似: common, variable, unclassifiable immunodeficiency(acquired hypogammaglovulinemia)
Another further examination:
Run flowcytometer with cell marker.
Results show that p't almost has no/rare(about 1%) B lymphocyte.
The chromosome report was done on 2008/5/15. 46,XY, Normal.