2010年8月30日 星期一


依照 CAP 建議(翻譯僅供參考)

Donor Records捐血者記錄

         Blood/component donor information, consent and collection(捐血者資料,同意書)
         Donor blood testing(捐血者血液檢查)
         Donor notification of significant findings
         Component production (製造的血品成分)
         Look back investigation/disease reporting
         Final unit disposition(血品流向)

10 years(保存10年)
         Indefinitely and permanently deferred donors
         Donors placed under surveillance (for recipient protection(被監控的捐血者)

Patient Records病人記錄

         Transfusion administration records (TRM.41450)
         Therapeutic phlebotomy/apheresis records
         Final unit disposition (血品流向)
10 years(保存10年)

         Patient pre-transfusion testing results/interpretation
         Immediate evaluation/interpretation of transfusion reactions (輸血反應的調查與解釋)

10 years(保存10年)
         Transfusion problems such as transfusion reactions, unexpected antibodies, and special transfusion requirements.

         Employee signatures, initials, and identification codes
10 years(保存10年)
Quality Control Records*

         Quality management reviews(品管審查)
         Proficiency testing records(能力試驗紀錄)
         Inspections of blood/critical materials
         Instrument/equipment quality control and maintenance
         Irradiation dose delivery(放射劑量)
         Control systems for patient testing
         Retyping of donor units(血袋血型重測)
         Annual procedure review/procedure discontinued

5 years(保存5年)
         Control systems for donor testing
10 years(保存10年)
Tissue Records (including bone marrow and/or progenitor cells) (組織/骨髓/臍帶血)

         Collection, transportation, processing, issuing, disposition

10 yrs beyond tissue's disposition or expiration, whichever is longer
         Daily temperature monitoring

10 years(保存10年)